StoryTaler welcomes to collebrate with different prjects in order to promote mental health and reduce psychiatric stigma.
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JCTH/ JCTH+ project is the first online stepped care platform in Hong Kong aiming to enhance the working adults' mental well-being, to prevent and relieve symptoms of common mental health disorders, and to promote a well-being conductive culture among corporations in Hong Kong.
In the JCTH project, StoryTaler co-organized several exhibitions and workshops, such as:
“AC-COM-PA-NY” exhibition,
TourHeart Storytelling Day,
Workshops “Companionship Through Cooking”
Workshops “Why is burnout prevalent in fresh graduates”,
Opening Ceremony.
A total of more than 10,000 participants participated in all of the events.
Next, in the new platform of the JCTH+ project, StoryTaler is being a consultant to give professional advice and to write the content of programme activities. We also help develop a series of psychoeducational materials such as short videos and audio recordings to the service members. Moreover, we co-organize different workshops, psychotherapy groups and talks.
Photo Gallery:

A funded project of “Mind Matters”, an initiative co-organised by HSBC private Banking and Asian Charity Services.
Generously sponsored and supported by BPEA Baring Private Equity Asia, Koo’s Giving Charitable Foundation and anonymous funders.
It is our honour to be invited by SLCO Community Resource. Together we develop a first cross-disciplinary model of sign language bilingual mental health service to help innately deaf young people and adults who communicate in spoken or sign language to receive an appropriate psychological service.
Registered Clinical Psychologists from StoryTaler provide individual psychological evaluation and psychotherapy groups which are tailor-made for deaf community.
Throughout the preparation, we train mentors to deliver mental health study groups with four themes:
“Coexist with Emotions'',
“Work with Stress”,
“Sleep Health Workshop”, and
“Positive Psychology”
Also, we co-organize trainings on Story Sharing, equip deaf people and their family members to share their stories and experiences in the “Listening to Deaf People Telling Stories' Story Sharing Activity, and take part in professional talks to promote this mental health service model and raise the mental health awareness of deaf people to the society.
Social Media Interviews: (Available in Chinese Only):
抑鬱聾人跳樓亡死因研訊 家屬指院方溝通失誤 如何才是合適的精神健康傳譯?
明周文化:1+1>3?「輕觸我心」計劃 為聾人心理輔導開啟一扇門
明周文化:賽後檢討!治療室內的三角關係:手語傳譯員 ╳ 臨牀心理學家 ╳ 聾人
聾人精神健康 │ 聽障者身心理易受挫!6成人不願尋求協助、NPO推「聾人精神健康計劃」望大眾關注
Photo Gallery:

We are glad that StoryTaler is invited by iBakery (social enterprise under the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals) to co-design a set of four cookie packaging themes.
Each flavor is paired with a set of stories reflecting "wan1yau4 (Gentleness) ," yung5hei3 (courage)," "gin1chi4 (persistence)," and "yau1mak6 (humor)." These stories respond to the uncertainties of life, offering a bit of support and comfort.
Through this collaboration, we hope to present "gentleness," "courage," "persistence," and "humor" as gifts — for others and for yourself.
Stories sharing (only available in Chinese):
Photo Gallery: