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What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental health illness. CBT illustrates that consistent psychological distress may be led by unhelpful ways of thinking and/or pattern of unhelpful behaviour, and a vicious cycle is , then, developed. CBT treatment involves to change behavioral and/or thinking patterns through exercises in the session as well as “homework” exercises outside of sessions. Clients can learn how to develop more effective ways of copying with life challenges.
What is the qualification of Well-being Coach?Well-being Coach has psychology bachelor degree and received training to provide low-intensity psychological treatment based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for people with mild to moderate depression and anxiety symptoms.
What is low-intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (LI-CBT)?Low intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (LI-CBT) is a form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that is used to treat mild to moderate common mental health problems over shorter length of treatment intenvention. It is also named as guided self-help CBT. Compared to traditional high intensity (HI) expert-led treatments, LI-CBT can be delivered through books, classes, computers and online resources (Williams and Morrison 2010).
Do I need to pay for this service ?No, your employer has already paid for this service, as a benefit of the Employee Assistance Programme of your company. You are entitled to use this service for free.
Will my company know I am joining this service ?No, StoryTaler will not disclose your personal information to your company.
Can I cancel or reschedule my appointment ?Yes, you may cancel or reschedule before 12 noon on the day of appointment via email notification (
What if I stop in the middle, will you report to my company?You are free to withdraw the service anytime, and StoryTaler will not disclose your personal information to your company.
For any enquiries, please contact us at
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